

Kyle Hanson & AJ Balanza are Wheelfunstuff

We recently had a chance to sit down with Kyle Hanson and AJ Balanza of Wheelfunstuff! This team is made up of AJ, the videographer, and Kyle, the rider. They have been good friends for several years and have been blowing up the Onewheel scene with incredible content. Their Instagram already has over 6,000 followers and they are just getting started. 

Onewheel.Pro recently had the chance to interview them and understand how they put together such amazing content for the community. One of my first questions directed at them was:


Kyle: (Laughing) That’s such a good question because it depends what I’m doing. If I’m doing a banger I’m not thinking about anything I’m just going for it! But if I’m cruising the streets I just feel free and like I’m flying just floating around light like the way to live life. 

AJ: You know most of the time I’m just sitting there watching because he’s so fucking crazy I never know what he’s thinking. But other times I’ll see something and I’ll be like “Yo Kyle, can you hit this”? And sometimes he won’t hear me and he’ll just do it. Then other times he’ll hear me and say you’re a fucking idiot, no, no one can do that. Then he’ll do it anyways. 

"You guys were relatively new to the community when you went to FloatLife Fest 3. Can you share what being at that event was like for both of you? What did you guys walk away with after attending that event?"

Kyle: Dude, FloatLife Fest was Amaaaaazing! Anybody with a Onewheel should go to it, I can’t even explain how great it is! Everyone is there and everyone is different and riding Onewheel, so we all have this thing in common that we all get and understand. We don’t have to explain how much we love Onewheel because everyone there is having the same stoke level, it’s so sick! 

AJ: I love FloatLife Fest! It’s crazy because you picked me up from the airport super late on Friday night, so all I really had to experience was all day Saturday. What blows my mind is I did minimal riding, all I ever did was ride from location to location to see what was going on. But the techniques I learned and watching the people I met instantly made me a better rider overnight! 

"I would say without FloatLife Fest I would not be the rider I am today"
Videographer for Wheelfunstuff
To learn more about other awesome Onewheel athletes like Wheelfunstuff click here!

Stay.Pro Fam!
